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1. ...... you in class 4? - No, I ..... . I ........ in class 5.

2. ..... Jason from Scotland? - No,he ..... . He ..... from England.

3. ....... she an economist? - No,she ..... . She ..... a teacher.

4. ...... Mark and Jill from America? - No,they ...... .They ..... from Australia.

5. ....... Mike and Kate at home? - Bo,they...... . They ....... at the park


Ответ дал: user20038713


1. Are you in class 4? - No, I am not. I am in class 5.

2. Is Jason from Scotland? - No,he is not . He is from England.

3. Is she an economist? - No,she is not . She is a teacher.

4. Are Mark and Jill from America? - No,they are not .They are from Australia.

5. Are Mike and Kate at home? - No,they are not . They are at the park


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