№ 2. Grammar. Read and choose. (40 marks)

1) This is my mum. …… name is Rosie. (A Her / B. His)

2) ….. is Helen? Harry’s mother. ( A. Where / B. Who)

3) I go to school …. 8 o’clock. (A. in / B. at)

4) …… is this ball? Harry’s. (A. What / B. Whose)

5) Is it …… armchair? (A. an / B. a)

6) ….. is Derek? In the garden. ( A. Who / B. Where)

7) …… two books on my desk. (A. There is / B. There are)

8) Look. Julie …… a horse! (A. is ride B. is riding)

9) Can you give me two ……, please? (A. glasses / B. glass)

10) Look at the kangaroo. It …… a long tail. (A. have got / B. has got)

11) George …… pizza. (A. likes/ B. like)

12) My baby brother has got two small …… . (A. teeth / B. tooth)

13) Can a rabbit jump? Yes, …………. (A. it can / B. it cant )

14) ……… are you? Eighteen. (A. Who / B. How old)

15) What ….. doing? Watching TV. (A. you are / B. are you)

16) I don’t like …… . They are nasty! (A. mice B. mouse)

17) Can I have ……….. cake, please? (A. any / B. some)

18) I ……. like vegetables. Yuk! (A. don’t / B. doesn’t )

19) I visit my grandma …… Sundays. (A. on / B. in)

20) What do you do ………… the afternoon? (A. in / B. on) помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: safaryanmer76






There are

Is riding


Has got



It can

How old

Are you







Ответ дал: parljukljuba

1) This is my mum. Her name is Rosie. (A Her

2) Who is Helen? Harry’s mother B. Who)

3) I go to school at 8 o’clock. B. at)

4) Whose is this ball? Harry’s. B. Whose)

5) Is it an armchair? (A. an

6) Where is Derek? In the garden. B. Where)

7) There are two books on my desk. (B. There are)

8) Look. Julie is riding a horse! B. is riding)

9) Can you give me two glasses , please? (A. glasses

10) Look at the kangaroo. It has got a long tail. B. has got)

11) George likes pizza. (A. likes

12) My baby brother has got two small teeth . (A. teeth

13) Can a rabbit jump? Yes, it can B. it cant )

14) How old are you? Eighteen. B. How old)

15) What are you doing? Watching TV. / B. are you)

16) I don’t like mice . They are nasty! (A. mice

17) Can I have some cake, please? B. some)

18) I don't like vegetables. Yuk! (A. don’t )

19) I visit my grandma on Sundays. (A. on

20) What do you do in the afternoon? (A. in

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