1. Christmas is the most popular holiday in Britain, …?

a) doesn’t it b) aren’t they c) isn’t it

2. Russian Winter Festivals attract many tourists to Russia, …?

a) didn’t they b) don’t they c) doesn’t it

3. In Britain people don’t take off their shoes as they enter a house, …?

a) do they b)did they c) are they

4. More and more people can afford foreign holidays nowadays, …?

a)can’t he b) can’t they c) aren’t they

5. My brother will go abroad next summer, …?

a) won’t he b) won’t they c) does he

6. He doesn’t like business trips, ….?

a) do he b) doesn’t he c) don’t he

7. London can be one of the most exciting tourist destinations, …. ?

a) can’t he b) can he c) can’t it

8. My father likes visiting tourists attractions, …..?

a) does he b) doesn’t he c) do he

9. The hotels in Spain are not very expensive , ….?

a) are they b) aren’t they c) aren’t it

10. When we go abroad we need a visa, …… ?

a) do we b) don’t we c) aren’t we


Ответ дал: mokhimmakhmudova


1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. Здесь должно быть Does he

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. B


В принципе, правило очень простое. Тот глагол, что употреблен в первой части предложения, переделываешь на противоположное - are - aren't, does - doesn't, can - can't, won't - will, didn't- did.

И так вопрос звучит как "не так ли? "

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