Помагите пожалуйста
1.my sister (watch) TV every evening.
2.she (watch) TV now.
3.l usually (watch) TV with her.
4.yesterday we (watch) TV .
5.l think tomorrow we (watch) TV together.
6.next week they (go) to school.
7.l (trevel) to Canada now.
8.my sister and l usually (go) to our farm.
9.last summer Kevin (trevel) to Scotland by train


Ответ дал: igalajcenko


1-5. watching

6. going

7. traveling

8. going

9. traveling

Ответ дал: NisanNisan


1.my sister watches TV every evening.

2.she watches TV now.

3.l usually watch TV with her.

4.yesterday we watched TV .

5.l think tomorrow we will watch TV together.

6.next week they will go to school.

7.l am traveling to Canada now.

8.my sister and l usually go to our farm.

9.last summer Kevin traveled to Scotland by train


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