USE OF ENGLISH. Task 2. Fill in the correct prepositions: at, on, to, in. 1. Berik isn't keen . . team sports, so he prefers to do athletics. 2. Exercising at a gym can be boring, but it's worth it . . the end. 3. Halima is hopeless . ball sports, but she's a very good gymnast. 4. Drinking energy drinks can actually be harmful . . your health.​


Ответ дал: Lebrоn

1) on

2) in

3) at

4) to

auezhanovnursejit: Привет, это правильно?
Lebrоn: Ну конечно)
auezhanovnursejit: Ааа спасибо благодарю!
Lebrоn: Не за что)
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