1. Open the brackets. Present Perfect or Past Simple
1. He never (to show) his drawings.
2. My friends already (to arrive).
3. My mother (to come) back from Moscow last Sunday.
4. They (to become) friends last year.

Task 2. Open the brackets. Past Continuous or Past Simple

1. He (to work) in the garden from five till eight yesterday.

2. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.

3. She (to learn) words when mother came home.

4. She (to cook) yesterday the whole evening yesterday.

Task 3. Open the brackets. Present Continuous or Present Simple

1. What is your brother doing? He __________ (do) the crossword in the newspaper

2. The baby usually___________ after dinner. (to sleep)

3. I __________English exercises now. (to write)

Task 4. Have got /has got

1. He _____ ten hens.

2. She _______ seven rabbits.

3. They ______ six apples.

4. I _______ a book.

5. We ______ a big house.

Task 5. was/were

1. She _________a kind girl

2. I_______at home

3. We________ friends

4. They_______pupils

5. My dog______hungry.


Ответ дал: talipovamalika


1) 1 have shown

2 have arrived

3 came

4 became

2) 1 was working

2 went

3 was learning

4 cooked

3) 1 is doing

2 sleeps

3 am writing

4) 1 has got

2 has got

3 have got

4 have got

5 have got

5) 1 was

2 was

3 were

4 were

5 was


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