помогите пожалуйста с упражнением заранее спасибо очень надо сейчас пожалуйста очень надо

задание:Put the words in the correct order to make questions.


1 did / Where / go / last / they / weekend / ?

2 you / Joanna / speak / Did / party / at / the / to / ?

3 cinema / What / see / the / he / did / at / ?

4 jacket / did / Which / to / yesterday / wear / you / school / ?

5 sales / your / the / Did / buy / bag / you / in / ?


Ответ дал: lenakolmeb


Where  did  they go last weekend?

Did  Joanna  speak to you at the party?

What did he see at the cinema?

Which  jacket did  you wear  to school  yesterday?

Did you buy your bag in the sales?


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