2.g. A: What does he look like?
B:@He's tall and fat.
b He's nice.
1 A: Where do you work?
B: a I'm a postman.
b At the post office.
2 A: Can I have a can of peas?
B: a Here you are.
b That's fine.
3 A: When did you learn to walk?
B: a When I was one.
b Last week.
4 A: How do you go to school?
B: a Every morning.
b By bus.
5 A: Where is Alice going?
B: a To the supermarket.
b She's my sister.

anton4ik09: В чем суть вопроса?
kotleta1337: что нужно сделать?
Candi116: Выбрать правильный ответ
Candi116: Пожалуйста


Ответ дал: Decoration

1. A: Where do you work?

  • b At the post office.

2. A: Can I have a can of peas?

  • B: a Here you are.

3. A: When did you learn to walk?

  • a When I was one.

4. A: How do you go to school?

  • b By bus.

5. A: Where is Alice going?

  • B: a To the supermarket.
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