Open the bracket & put verbs into the proper tense form.


Long, long ago there 1 ___________ (live) a lot of  mice in an old house. There 2 __________ (live) a cat in that  house too. The mice 3 _____________ (be) afraid of the cat but they 4 _________ (not know) what to do. So one day they  all 5 ________ (come) to an old clever mouse & 6 ________ (begin)  7 ____________ (talk) about the cat.

“What 8 __________ (can) we do?” they 9 ___________ (say). “The cat 10 _______ (kill) us all.”

Suddenly one  little mouse 11 ___________ (say), “Let`s put a  bell round the cat`s neck & we  12 _________ (hear) it.”

They  13 _________ (be) all very  glad and they  14 ________ (begin) to dance.

Suddenly the clever old mouse 15 ________ (say), “I 16 _________(want) to ask one question. Who 17 ___________ (put) the bell round the cat`s neck?”



Ответ дал: titovaalina
1 lived
2 lived
3 was
4 didnt know
5 came
6 began
7 to talk
8 can
9 said
10 killed
11 said
12 heard
13 were
14 began
15 said
16 wanted
17 put
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
Long, long ago there 1 lived a lot of  mice in an old house. There 2 lived a cat in that  house too. The mice 3 were afraid of the cat but they 4 didn't know what to do. So one day they  all 5 came to an old clever mouse & 6 began  7 to talk about the cat. “What 8 can we do?” they 9 said. “The cat 10 will kill us all.” Suddenly one  little mouse 11 said, “Let`s put a  bell round the cat`s neck & we  12 will hear it.” They  13 were all very  glad and they  14 began to dance. Suddenly the clever old mouse 15 said, “I 16 wanted to ask one question. Who 17 will put the bell round the cat`s neck?”
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