Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательные в нужную степень. Прилагательные подчеркнуть. 1. He is the (strong) boy in the whole school. 2. Of the two sisters Mary is the (beautiful). 3. Kate is the (young) of my five sisters. 4. Bob is the (old) of all my friends. 5. This is the (good) song I have ever heard. 6. Which do you like (good). orange juice or lemon juice? 7. Iron is the (useful) of all metals. S. The Nile is the (large) river in Africa. 9. Which of the two men is (tall)? 10. Sam is (bad) than his brother, 11. Who is (happy) man in the world? 12. Let's go by car. It's (cheap) than by train 13. Hunger is the (good) cook. 14. How can I get to the (near) post-office. 15. Here is the (late) news. 16. Mr. Everest is (high) than Mi. Blanc 17. Thailand is (sunny) than Norway 18 A car is (expensive) than a bicycle. 19. Albert is (intelligent) than Arthur. Поможите?


Ответ дал: babyyyyou

Ответ:1. the strongest

2.more beautiful

3. the youngest

4. the oldest

5. the best


7.the usefullest

8. the largest

9. taller

10. worse

11. the happiest

12. cheaper

13.the best

14.the nearest

15.the latest



18. more expensive

19. more intelligent


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