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People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries, and global problems always exist. One of the global problems is poverty. This problem is caused by uneven development of countries. The desire of some people to get rich leads to the fact that they use others to their advantage. They pay them little and don't care about their problems. In the future, this problem may become a hindrance to the development of humanity and the economy. To solve the problem, the state creates programs of international assistance to lagging countries. They also provide free economic and financial assistance. I hope that in the future we can reduce this problem.


Ответ дал: nikmartin1234321


People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries, and global problems always exist. One of the global problems is poverty. This problem is caused by the uneven development of countries. The desire of some people to get rich leads to the fact that they use others to their advantage. They pay them little and don't care about their problems. In the future, this problem may become a hindrance to the development of humanity and the economy. To solve the problem, the state creates programs of international assistance to lagging countries. They also provide free economic and financial assistance. I hope that in the future we can reduce this problem.


В предложении This is caused by uneven перед ним добавляем "The" ибо идёт определенное development, т.е развитие. А остальное правильно)

Недоотличник2018: Спасибо большое)
millennium2O2: даже в вики не пишется там the
nikmartin1234321: ну пользуясь своим опытом, и наличием уровня b2, я считаю что там обязательно будет The)
millennium2O2: ля ваще какой b2 поговорим на c1? пісюнець
millennium2O2: жду ссылку подтверждающую твои слова что там надо the
nikmartin1234321: дядя, мне мое время дороже + я как-то перерос эти споры относительно размеров органов друг у друга и поэтому можешь ждать сколько хочешь)
millennium2O2: ну вот видишь спорить не можешь, а пруфов нет
millennium2O2: ;0 я ждал пруфы
Ответ дал: millennium2O2


People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries, and global problems always exist. One of the global problems is poverty. This problem is caused by uneven development of countries. The desire of some people to get rich leads to the fact that they use other(others пишется только в конце предложений) to their advantage. They pay them little and don't care about their problems. In the future, this problem may become a hindrance to the development of humanity and the economy. To solve the problem, the state creates programs of international assistance to lagging countries. They also provide free economic and financial assistance. I hope that in the future we can reduce this problem.

Недоотличник2018: Спасибо большое)
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