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Ответ дал: ah597729

1.Where you go out on Saturday?

2. What games you play after school?

3.what you read in the evening?

4.when you watch cartoon on television?

5.who with walk you in the park afternoon?

6.What time you have guitar lesson?

7.where you play basketball?

8.When you go to the sports club?

9.Who with you cook dinner in the evening?

10.what you go to bed?

11.why you like school ?

Ответ дал: azizovjasurbek311


1. Where do you go out on Saturday?

2. What do you play after school?

3. What do you read in the evening?

4. When do you watch cartoons on television?

5. Who with you walk in the park in the afternoon?

6. What time do you have guitar lesson on Friday?

7. Where do you play basketball?

8. When do you go to the sport club?

9. Who with you cook dinner in the evening?

10. What time do you go to bed?

11. Why do you like sport?

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