І. Circle the correct words.
1. How much / How many planets are there in our solar system?
2. I can’t find the theatre tickets anywhere / nowhere. What am I going to do?
3. There are a few / a little books on Mike’s desk.
4. He’s a famous actor. Nobody / Everybody knows him.
5. I can’t buy this coat. I haven’t got many / much money with me.
6. I’d like something / everything to drink, please.
ІІ. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. Ron is (active) than his older brother.
2. Dorothy isn’t as (happy) now as she was in the past.
3. My parents are the (bad) drivers in the world.
4. This test is (easy) than the last one.
5. Fabric is the (crowded) club in the city.
ІІІ. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets.
1. This scarf (give) to me by my grandfather five years ago.
2. Every year on Thanksgiving, a big meal (prepare) by most families in the USA.
3. These paintings (sell) for over €1,000,000 last week.
4. you (show) all the sights when you
went on the tour of the city?
5. The tigers at this zoo (not look after) well.
ІV Write a letter to your friend about Great Britain.


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