Переведите в косвенную речь !!!!!!!!! Срочно
1) “I study French.”

2) “I have read the book.”

3) “I will go to the park tomorrow.”

4) “I like the film.”

5) “She is sick.”

6) “We are building a new house here.”

7) “I was in Paris last year.”

8) “Pushkin was born in 1799.”

9) “I wanted a car for Christmas.”


Ответ дал: hapheylemon



1) «Я учу французский»

2) «Я прочитал книгу».

3) «Я пойду в парк завтра».

4) «Мне нравится фильм».

5) «Она больна».

6) «Мы строим здесь новый дом».

7) «Я был в Париже в прошлом году».

8) «Пушкин родился в 1799 году».

9) «Я хотел машину на Рождество».


balu29: На английском
hapheylemon: 1) She said she studied French.
2) She said she had read the book.
3) She said she would go to the park the next day.
4) She said she liked the film.
5) She said she was sick.
6) She said they were building a new house there.
7) She said she had been in Paris the previous year.
8) She said Pushkin was born in 1799.
9) She said she had wanted a car for Christmas.
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