5. Прочитайте текст и напишите YES / NO к предложениям, которые даны ниже
Dear Ann,
My Dad and I are having a great time here in Italy. The weather is cold and rainy.
Yesterday we went to the park. Then we ate lunch in a restaurant next to the park. I love
Italian food! In the afternoon we went for a walk, in the evening we went shopping and I
bought a beautiful shirt.
Tomorrow we're going to visit the museum. My Dad is going to take some photos of me.
I can't wait.
Anyway, bye for now.
Lots of love,
1. Mike and his Dad are in France.
2. It's sunny in Italy.
3. They went to the museum yesterday.
4. Mike bought a T-shirt.
5. They are going to go to the park.​


Ответ дал: evaasp

1 - no

2 - no

3 - no

4 - no

5 - no

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