1. Look at the clouds! It to snow.
a) go b) went c) is going

2. Kate already her home work.
a) have … done b) did… done c) has …done

3. Our students part in the competition the day after tomorrow.
a) will take b) took c) taked

4. He always ... his niece with her homework.
a) will help b) helped c) helps

5. As soon as we got to the campsite we put our tents.
a) on b) into c) up

6. Peter is more talented Tim.
a) from b) than c) then

7. I have a fever. The doctor said I should stay in bed.
A low B bad C high

8. I don’t like people who like to about other people .
A gossip B get away C co-operate

9. Lucas went to the to buy some cough syrup.
A sports shop B optician’s C chemist’s

10. Maria taught how to play the guitar.
a) himself b) themselves c) herself

11. Where is Mary? She is in her room. She now.
A sleep B sleeps C is sleeping

12. There is too salt in the soup.
a) many b) much c) few

13. She a holiday dinner for two hours.
a) cooks b) has been cooking c) cooked

14. We are listening a great soundtrack to the Matrix, ?
a) are we? b) aren’t we? c) aren’t you?

15. Unfortunately, many wild animals are in .
a) danger b) desert c) waste



Ответ дал: inna0811


1 is going

2 Kate has already  done her home work.

3 will take

4  helps

5  put up поставили,установили

6 than Tim чем Тим

7 high -высокая

8 a

9 c

10 c

11 c

12 too much слишком много

13 b

14  aren’t you? не так ли?

15 а


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