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Write what these people were doing at that time.
Example: Sam (to write) a letter at 10 o’clock yesterday. – Sam was writing a letter at 10 o’clock yesterday.
1. My mother (to lie) on the sofa at 4 o’clock yesterday. - __________________________________
2. Kevin (to travel) about the city at 7 o’clock yesterday. - _________________________________
3. The Smiths (to have) tea at 5 o’clock yesterday. - ______________________________________
4. Boris and Kate (to play) badminton at 9 o’clock yesterday. - ______________________________
5. Peter (to choose) a present for his friend at 12 o’clock yesterday. - ________________________
6. Dan (to sit) in front of me when the doorbell rang. - ___________________________________


Ответ дал: papiryanskasofia


1. My mother was lying on the sofa at 4 o'clock yesterday.

2. Kevin was travelling about the city at 7 o'clock yesterday.

3. The Smiths were having tea at 5 o'clock yesterday.

4. Boris and Kate were playing badminton at 9 o'clock yesterday.

5. Peter was choosing a present for his friend at 12 o'clock yesterday.

6. Dan was sitting in front of me when the doorbell rang.


Dashka2000008: спасибо огромное )
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