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My tiny dream house.

If I were to choose where to live, I would not choose a block of flats. I would plan to build a small cottage far away in a remote country. People now call them tiny houses. I would want to be isolated from the rest of the world. If the house was deep in the forest, I would install a huge window. I would sit on my bed, drink coffee and watch wildlife go by. It would be so picturesque. If it had a second floor, I would have a great view of the forest.


Ответ дал: sabinasatybaldy00007

if I chose where to live then I would choose a multi-story apartment. I would choose an apartment with a large window so that it is sunny. I would drink coffee every morning in my kitchen, watching the beautiful view of the window. About design, I would do everything myself, because I don’t like when the style of the house is chosen instead of me. Or at least slightly embellished.

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