What will you do if a dog bites you?
1. Get away from her.
2. Run away from her.
3. Bite her.
Explain your answer with a few words.


Ответ дал: 13Anton


1. Get away from her.

2. Run away from her.)))))

Ответ дал: sumaya13q


2. Run away from her.


You mustn't bite it, because a dog may be sick.

You must not just get away from her, but run away and call emergency or ask someone to do it.

redfox2660: You're very logical! Thanks!!
sumaya13q: Oh! Thanks☺
sumaya13q: Is it sarcasm? You marked the other answer as the best
redfox2660: This was not sarcasm. The best answer was thanks for the good help to me.
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