During the earlier times of the Earth plants and animals 1) had lived/ lived/were living on the surface until they eventually died and decomposed. They 2) would accumulate/ were accumulating/accumulating on the bottom of the global seabed. We know that those plants and creatures eventually 3) transformed/ transforming/ been transformed under heat and pressure into fossil fuels. They 4) rot/ had rotten/ were rotting and 5) were moldering/had moldered/ moldering while temperature and pressure 6) was increasing/increased/were increasing. After a very long period of time, mineral cover 7) had formed/ is formed/forms on top of this mass and it began 8) squeeze/ being squeezing/Squeezing oil and gas more and more. Rocks 9) have trapped/were trapping/ had trapped gas and oil in their pores and this is how oil and gas reservoirs 10) took/ have taken/ had been taking shape under the earth. This treasure 11) lie/ had been lying/ would lie deep beneath the surface for quite a long time. Since prehistoric times, these underground reservoirs with fuel 12) had held/ holded/ has held tremendous amounts of fossil fuels until the time came to use them. Only two natural elements such as hydrogen and carbon 13) mix/mixing/are mixed together 14) create/ creating/to create fossil fuels till the end of that process. The fuel 15) had been storing/ stored/ had stored more and more energy until people discovered it. It's original strength 16) would come/ is coming/came from the sun and 17) has changed/ changed /was changing o natural burning substance. Millions of years 18) had passed/ were passing/had been passed and people 19) were not noticing/had not noticed/were not noticed the sources of energy inside the earth till the discovery of fire. Fossil fuel suddenly 20) had become /would become /became necessary.

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Ответ дал: sofiashepel


  1. had lived
  2. were accumulating
  3. transformed
  4. were rotting
  5. moldering
  6. were increasing
  7. had formed
  8. squeezing
  9. had trapped
  10. have taken
  11. had been lying
  12. had held
  13. are mixed
  14. create
  15. had bee storing
  16. came
  17. has changed
  18. had been passed
  19. had not noticed
  20. become
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