Помогите пожалуйста!

Замените активный залог пассивным.
1)They don't show such films on TV.
2)People grow oranges in Italy.
3)They build a lot of new houses in our country.
4)They translate Harry Potter books into many languages.
5) My granny doesn't grow tomatoes here.
6) People often make tables of plastic.
7) Do you hear such melodies here?
Заранее спасибо!​


Ответ дал: arinamarushchak


1.Such films on TV are not shown by them.

2.Oranges are grown by people in Italy.

3.A lot of new houses are built in out country by them

4.Harry Potter books are translated by them into many languages.

5.Tomatoes are not grown by my granny

6.Tables of plastic are usually made by people

7.Such melodies are heard by me.

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