Task 7 Choose the correct item
1 I can do it ……., thank you.
A. myself B. herself C. yourself
2 The boy ……. father is a dentist is my friend.
A. whose B. which C. who
3 Look at that boy! He ….. fall off his bike.
A. is going to B. will C. is
4 This film is quite ……… .
A. bored B. boring C. bore
5 I …… there before. It’s a very nice museum.
A. ‘ve gone B. ‘ve been C. be
6 The government is trying a variety of things to …… pollution.
A. burn B. emit C. reduce
7 If we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species …… extinct.
A. will become B. become C. are becoming
8 We can ……. a birthday party. It’ll be fun!
A. throw B.practise C. move
9 Mike is …… Peter. They will both do well in the exam.
A. as clever as B. cleverer than C. most clever
10 When we got to the campsite we put …..our tents.
A. on B. into C. up


Ответ дал: Katyaashevchuk



1 myself

2 whose

3is going to


5 ‘ve been

6 reduce

7will become

8 throw

9 as clever as

10 put on

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