Ребят пожалуйста даю 60 баллов !

I. Choose the right variant.

1. She ______ a student.

a) is b) am c) are

2. ______a new castle.

a) This is b) There are c) These are

3. ______ you speak English?

a) Are b) Can c) Have

4. _______ she go to the institute every day?

a) Do b) Does c) Is

5. ”What are you doing now?” “I_______ English.”

a) is b) am studying c) study

6. She like the film,_______?

a) isn’t it b) didn’t she c) doesn’t she

II. Change the active voice into passive. Write down your sentences.

• Hitler began World War II in 1939.

• Lisa broke her favorite cup.

• When did Jobs and Wozniak form their own company?

III. Напишите предложения в Past perfect:

• Мы осмотрели весь парк к 6 часам.

• Дети написали свой диктант к 6 часам.

• Мама отправила мои письма к 6 часам.


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. А
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. A (это не точно)

Аноним: ответ неполный .-.
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