Задание 1.

К каждому предложению составь вопросы к подлежащему:
1. Bill has called me today.
2. The Browns were going home when we me them.
3. Casey painted the floor last month.
4. The professor had stopped the lecture by the time Jane arrived.
5. He’s going to take up more exercises.

Задание 2.

В каждом предложении раскрой скобки, поставив глагол в Past Perfect или Past Simple:

1. Lincoln (become) the President before the war (begin).
2. We (finish) the repair by last weekend.
3. After you (leave), someone (ring) up.
4. Norsemen (discover) America before Columbus (arrive) there.
5. By 10 PM each of us (got) home after the amazing day at the funfair.


Ответ дал: nastia47250


Задание 1

1) Who has called me today?

2) Who were going home when we me them?

3) Who painted the floor last month?

4) Who had stopped the lecture by the time Jane arrived?

5) Who's going to take up more exercises?

Задание 2

1) Lincoln became the President before the war began

2) We finished the repair by last weekend.

3) After you leaved, someone rang up.

4) Norsemen discovered America before Columbus arrived there.

5) By 10 PM each of us get home after the amazing day at the funfair.


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