I. . Прочитайте предложения. Расставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Simple.
1 A: Sorry Mum, but I …dropped… (drop) the glass on the floor.
B: Never mind. Just be careful next time.
2 A: …… (you / watch) the horror film last night?
B: Yes, but I …… (not / enjoy) it.
3 A: …… (your neighbours) house yesterday?
B: Yes, we …… (help) them move their boxes.
4 A: A train …… (crash) last night.
B: I know. Luckily, all the passengers …… (survive).
5 A: Susan …… (not / play) tennis yesterday.
B: I know. She’s playing today instead.
6 A: …… (you / see) Kate yesterday?
B: Yes. We …… (have) lunch together


Ответ дал: Fhbvff
  1. Уже сделано
  2. Did you watch, Didn't enjoy
  3. Did your neighbours (ничего нет, наверное move), helped
  4. Crashed, survived
  5. Didn't play
  6. Did you see, had
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