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Mary would rather buy/buying presents in the shop than buy/buying them in the airport.
I prefer to discuss/discussing my problems with my parents rather than speak/speaking about them with my teachers.
John prefers take/taking photography to paint/painting.
Susan would rather make/making costumes for the school theatre than play/playing a role in it.
Children prefer to eat/eating junk food rather than have/having home-made dishes.
Teachers prefer give/giving tests to have/having a party.
Wild animals prefer to live/living in the forests rather than be/being in the zoo.

cergeu997vin: Задание 2 Underline the correct form of the verb. выделите жирным шрифтом правильное слово



Ответ дал: sashaprylutskyy


buy, buy, discuss, speak, take, paint, make, play, eat, have, give, have, live, be


rossenin2206: Mary would rather buy presents in the shop than buy them in the airport.
I prefer to discuss my problems with my parents rather than speak about them with my teachers.
John prefers take photography to paint
Susan would rather make costumes for the school theatre than play a role in it.
Children prefer to eat junk food rather than have home-made dishes.
Teachers prefer give tests to have a party.
Wild animals prefer to live in the forests rather than be in the zoo.
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