Complete the questions.
1. … your grandparents … (live) with you?
2. … your school … (offer) sport activities?
3. … you… (ever/meet) a pop star?
4. How long … you… (study) English for?
5. … you … (go) to the cinema yesterday?
6. Who … (be) absent today?
7. … he … (be) 15 next month?
8. What … they… (do) now?
9. Where … you … (be)?
10. … she… (read) at the moment?


Ответ дал: anaputeinis


Do your grandparents live with you?

Does your school offer sport activities?

Have you ever met a pop star?

How long have you been studying English for?

Did you go to the cinema yesterday?

Who is absent today?

Will he be 15 next month?

What are they doing now?

Where will you be?

Is she reading at the moment?


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