Помогите с Английским языком надо сдать сегодня в 14:00
1. Put in the right form of the verb “to be”:

1. She … going to read.

2. The boys … going to play football.

3. Mr and Mrs Green … going to invite friends.

4. I … going to do my homework.

5. … we going to visit Britain?

2. Put in the missing pronoun:

1. … am going to write a letter.

2. Is … going to study French?

3. … are going to visit their grandmother.

4. … is going to help his father.

5. Are … going to read?

3. Write down negative sentences and questions:

1. British students are going to visit Russia.

2. My little sister is going to play.

3. I’m going to invite my friends.

4. Write down what is going to happen:

1. He (translate) the text.

2. They (have) a nice time.

3. Ann (spend) her holidays in Germany.

4. We (play) chess.

5. I (talk) over the phone.

5. Underline the correct word.

1. They were happy so/because they passed the test.

2. They are sleeping now so/because they are tired.

3. The house was messy, so/because I cleaned it.

4. She has got a broken leg so/because she had an accident.

5. He was ill, so/because he went to the doctor.
Даю 30 баллов


Ответ дал: funeoneone33

1.She is going to read
The boys are going to play football
Mr and Mrs Green are to invite friends
I am going to do my homework
Are we going to visit Britain?
2. I am going to write a letter
Is he going to study French?
They are going to visit their grandmother
He is going to help his father
Are you going to read?
3.British students aren’t going to visit Russia
Are British students going to visit Russia?
My little sister isn’t going to play
Is my little sister going to play?
I am not going to invite my friends
Am going to invite my friends?
4. He’s going to translate the text
They are going to have a nice time
Ann is going to spend your holidays in Germany
We are going to play chess
I am going to talk over the phone

timurkabich2006: спасибо огромное
funeoneone33: там есть ошибки писала быстро, сейчас исправлю:
1 задание
Mr. and Mrs. Green are going to invite friends
funeoneone33: остальное правильно
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