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5. People/many/invited/party/how/have/you/to/your? ​


Аноним: Только People/many/invited/party/how/have/you/to/your?


Ответ дал: Katyaashevchuk



How many people have you invited to your party?

Kuraminai: извините, а с остальными поможете?
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Katyaashevchuk: He never forgets his wifes birthsday
she usually doesnt wake up early
he has always wanted to travel abroad
he goes out at night sometimes
they always can do anything they want
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have you ever seen a play by Shakespeare?
did bILLS friends enjoy meeting?
have they arrived in Rome&
Miа16: прошу вас помогите https://znanija.com/task/37469142
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