Вставьте правильную форму глагола to be

1. Tom _____ going to pass his exams.
2. I ________ going to make sausages for lunch.
3. They ________ going to go to England.
4. My sister _______ going to do her English Homework.


Ответ дал: mariialobanova04


1. Tom is going to pass his exams.

2. I am going to make sausages for lunch.

3. They are going to go to England.

4. My sister is going to do her English Homework.


he/she/it » is

I » am

you/we/they » are

1. Tom(he) , значит is going to...

2. I, значит am going to...

3. they, значит are going to...

4. my sister (she), значит is going to...

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