Unscramble the sentences.

1) the/Everyone/band/onto/stage./clapped/came/the/when

2) Society./He/to/magazine/subscribed/weekly/The/a

3) are/Many/in/newspapers/every/magazines/and/published/Ukraine/year.

4) everywhere./be/Music/heard/can

5) surrounded/sides./Great/on/by/is/seas/all/Britain

6) different/Ukraine./Many/inhabit/nationalities


Ответ дал: Fhbvff
  1. Everyone clapped when the band came onto the stage.
  2. He subscribed to a weekly magazine The Society.
  3. Many newspapers and magazines are published in Ukraine every year.
  4. Music can be heard everywhere.
  5. Great Britain is surrounded by seas on all sides.
  6. Many different nationalities inhabit Ukraine.
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