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Students graduate in more than 430 specialities. Tuition rests on a broad scientific basis, lectures and on theory being combined with practical classes. There is a common curriculum for all related faculties in the first and second years. About a million of students taking part in the activities of student scientific groups and industrial design bureaus work under the guidance of their professors.
Studying and working at the same time students get considerable benefits from the state. Training at institutions of higher learning lasts from four to six years. There is the greatest number of graduates. They get jobs in their own fields.


Ответ дал: nunny
Здесь только одно предложение с двумя причастиями первого типа:
Studying and working at the same time students get considerable benefits from the state.
Работающие студенты-заочники получают существенные льготы от государства.
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