Выбери правильную форму.
I my (brok) pen yesterday.
When I was little I (didnt know) how to wright.
I (ride) my new bike to college yesterday.
I was so tired when I got home from school that I (go) to bed at once.
I (took) my exams last week.
We (give) a present to our teacher at the end of the year.
Did you (see) your friend at the consert?
I didn't (went) to school until I was seven years old.

555550008: ghjcnj gjvjubnt chjxyj g; g; g;


Ответ дал: buurdaa
  • broke
  • didn't know
  • rode
  • went
  • took
  • gave
  • did you see
  • i didn't go

555550008: спасибо 5 внатуре могешь))0
buurdaa: : D
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