Срочно к этим предложениям нужно составить 4 типа вопросов .They play tennis every day.
I get up at 6 in the morning and go to school
She speaks Spanish and Italian.​


Ответ дал: rumkag


1) Who plays tennis every day?

When do they play tennis?

What do they play every day?

Do they play tennis every day?

2) When do you get up?

Where do you go after getting up at 6 in the morning?

Who gets up at 6 in the morning and goes to the school?

Do you get up at 6 in the morning and go to school?

4) Who speaks Spanish and Italian?

What languages does she speak?

What language besides Italian does she speak?

What language besides Spanish does she speak?

(Does she speak Spanish and Italian? - доп. вопрос, если что)

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