I like travelling ... plane.
a) on b) by c) in
2. John likes to ... extreme sports.
a) do b) go c) take
3. I was tired after scuba ... .
a) driving b) diving c) hiking
4. My sister is relaxing and ... on the beach.
a) windsurfing b) sailing c) sunbathing
5.Your skin is ... . You have got a sunburn.
a) red b) white c) pink
Exercise 2. Choose the correct item.

1. You can/can’t take a lot of pictures. I’ve got an extra film.
2. You can/can’t use a credit card. We only accept cash.
3. You can/can’t buy souvenirs here. We’ve got a big selection.

3. Write sentences. Use the words in brackets and the correct form of will.
1. I 'm leaving.
B: Wait! I’ll come with you. (I/ come / with you)
2 A: Do you want to come to the cinema with us this evening?
B: Sure! _____________________________ (I / meet / you at six)
3 A: Did you call Peter last night?
B: Oh, no! 1forgot. ________________________ (1/ call / him now)
4 A: Why is Anna crying?
B: I don't know. _________________________ (I / ask / her)
5 A: This computer isn't very good. And it's really expensive!
B: You're right. ___________________________ (I/ not buy / it)
6 A: It's raining.
B: Really? ______________________________ (I/ get / my umbrella)


Ответ дал: sm3rtn1k

Ex 1.

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. a

Ex 2.

1. You can take a lot of pictures. I’ve got an extra film.

2. You can’t use a credit card. We only accept cash.

3. You can buy souvenirs here. We’ve got a big selection.

Ex 3.

2. I'll meet you at six.

3. I'll call him now.

4. I'll ask her.

5. I will not buy it.

6. I'll get my umbrella.

cnarckot: Thanks Спасибо
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