II Write the sentences in passive voice,
1. Pupils use computers at their lessons.
2. Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21st of May.
3. They will arrange a nice picnic next week.
4. The little girl drew these funny pictures.
5. The teacher punished the naughty boy.
Очень срочно нужно пожалуйста помогите. Заранее спасибо! ​


Ответ дал: kucakaa


1) Computers are used by pupils in the lessons

2) Special dinner prepared by Anna on May 21

3) A nice picnic will be arranged by them next week

4) These funny pictures were painted by a little girl.

5) Naughty boy was punished by teacher.


Я не уверена, но думаю, что это правильно)

Аноним: Огромное спасибо!
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