
Прямая и Косвенная речь

Transform the sentences. Use that.

1. Ann says: “I live in Volgograd.”

2. Bob says: “I have got a lot of good neighbours.”

3. Alice says: “My brother is a brave man.”

4. You say: “ We would like to do St Petersburg tomorrow.”

5. John says: “I know a lot of languages.”

6. They say: “Our forests are famous for wild animals.”


Ответ дал: sumskaagela


1. Ann says that: “I live in Volgograd.”

2. Bob says that: “I have got a lot of good neighbours.”

3. Alice says that: “My brother is a brave man.”

4. You say that: “ We would like to do St Petersburg tomorrow.”

5. John says that: “I know a lot of languages.”

6. They say that: “Our forests are famous for wild animals.”

1. Ann says that she lives in Volgograd.

2. Bob says that he has got a lot of good neighbours.

3. Alice says that her brother is a brave man.

4. You say that you would like to do St Petersburg tomorrow.

5. John says that he knows a lot of languages.

6. They say that their forests are famous for wild animals.


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