Напиши глаголы в Рast Simple
begin, drink, go, do, give, have, take, see, meet, be

4. В скобках выбери правильную временную форму
a) Lara always ….at 7 o’clock. (get up, gets up, got up)
b) Look! He ….a car. (repairs, repair, is repairing)
c) Dolphins ….with one eye open. (sleeps/sleep/is sleeping)
d) I often …..for a walk. (go/goes/am going)
e) Bill ….TV every evening. (watch/watches/is watching)
f) What …..she doing? (does/is/ can)
g) Dennis can sing but he…..draw. (isn’t/can’t/ can)
h) There’s a sofa in my room but there …..any chairs. (isn’t/aren’t/ are)
i) How often … they swim? (have/do/are)
j) Linn usually ….up at 7 o’ clock. (wakes/wake/ woke)

5.Вычеркни лишнее слово из логического ряда:

a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology
b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler
c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture
d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig

6. Образуйте множественное число существительных:

7. Выбери правильное слово
a\some carrots
a\an apple
a\some pineapples
a\some bread
a\some juice
a\an tomatoes

8. Прочитай текст. Ответьте на вопросы.
Emus are very large birds. They live in Australia. They are very tall. They can’t fly but they can run very fast. They live for nearly 30 years. They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water. They also like sitting in the mud.

a) Where do emus live?
b) How many years do they live?
c) What do they eat and drink?
d) What do they like?


Ответ дал: thebestamigo


exercise 3

  1. begin-began
  2. drink-drank
  3. go-went
  4. do-did
  5. give-gave
  6. have-had
  7. take-took
  8. see-saw
  9. meet-met
  10. be-was/were

exercise 4

  1. gets up
  2. is repairing
  3. sleep
  4. go
  5. watches
  6. is
  7. can't
  8. aren't
  9. do
  10. wakes

exercise 5

a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology

b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler

c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture

d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig

exercise 6

  1. doll-dolls
  2. boy-boys
  3. watch-watches
  4. ball-balls
  5. glass-glasses
  6. lady-ladies
  7. woman-women
  8. child-children
  9. window-windows

exercise 7

Выбери неправильное слово

a\some carrots

a\an apple

a\some pineapples

a\some bread

a\some juice

a\an tomatoes

an tomatoes - неправильно, остальное - правильно

exercise 8

a) Where do emus live?

Emus live in Australia.

b) How many years do they live?

They live for nearly 30 years.

c) What do they eat and drink?

They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water.

d) What do they like?

They like sitting in the mud.

thebestamigo: 7ое правильное слово нужно выбрать или неправильное?
thebestamigo: если неправильное слово, то - an tomatoes
thebestamigo: остальное правильно
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