Заполните пропуски глаголами do или does.
1) Where.....your friend live?
2) ...your friend have a big family?
3) ...you often go to see your friend?
4) ....Mike often invite you to his house?
5) ...Pete and Sam go for a walk in the park?
6) ....the children go to the circus?
7) What presents.... your friend give you?
8) What ..... Lily's friend like to eat?


Ответ дал: Decoration
  • Where does your friend live?
  • Does your friend have a big family?
  • Do you often go to see your friend?
  • Does Mike often invite you to his house?
  • Do Pete and Sam go for a walk in the park?
  • Do the children go to the circus?
  • What presents does your friend give you?
  • What does Lily's friend like to eat?
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