60. I’m sure ______________is at home. There is no light anywhere.
a) nobody b) everybody c) anybody d) any
61. Where _______________ my money? I can’t find ________ anywhere.
а) did I put/ it b) did I put/ them c) do I put/ it d) was put/them
62. Can you see John at the table. ___________________ .
а) Who he sits with? b) Who is he sitting with?
c) With whom he is sitting? d) Who with he is sitting?
63. This news ______________ not news at all.
а) have b) is c) are d) has
64. You are_____________________person I have met in my life.
а) the most funny b) the funniest c) funnier d) funny
65. There ____________ a pen and 2 pencils in the pencil-box.
а) are b) is an c) has d) is a
66. This film is _________________ than the one we saw last time.
а) much more better b) more better c) most better d) much better
67. _____________ that strange man sitting over there?
a) Whose b) Which c) Who’s d) Who
68. Help________________ to the cake, John.
а) yourself b) you c) us d) yourselves
69. Neither John nor his sister ____________________ at home.
а) was b) were c) weren’t d) wasn’t
70. When I came home my son didn’t come out of his room, he _________his home work.
а) did b) was doing c) had done d) had been doing


Ответ дал: tumkas


60. I’m sure nobody is at home. There is no light anywhere.

61. Where did I put my money? I can’t find it anywhere.

62. Can you see John at the table. Who he sits with?

63. This news are not news at all.

64. You are the funniest person I have met in my life.

65. There are a pen and 2 pencils in the pencil-box.

66. This film is much better  than the one we saw last time.

67. Who’s that strange man sitting over there?

68. Help us to the cake, John.

69. Neither John nor his sister weren't at home.

70. When I came home my son didn’t come out of his room, he was doing his home work.

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