прошу допоможіть мама приб'є
якщо не вмконаю.будь ласка мені просто хочеться плакати допоможіть​


faticviktoria0905: прошу допоможіть мені з цим завданням
mariialobanova04: Каким?


Ответ дал: mariialobanova04



1. After he repaired, he had driven

2. she had dinner, she had worked

3. hadn't visited, he flied

4. helped, had went

5. had opened, found


1. haven't you?

2. won't she?

3.were they?

4. does he?

5. isn't she?

6. am I not?


Hello, my pen-friend!

My school is not that big, so I know a lot of students and can make friends with them! Also our teachers are friendly and kindly help us if we need any help.

My favourite subject is biology because we can learn so much interesting information about biological life.

So what about you? What is your favourite subject? How you spend your school days and how your school life is going? I will be looking forward to your answer.

With love, Victoria!

faticviktoria0905: ти лутшая
mariialobanova04: Не за что :)❤
faticviktoria0905: О Боже ти такой хароший человек.
Вас заинтересует