СРОЧНО ! Дам 55 балов за ответы))

I.Make up questions and answer them
1.do,to watch, you, what, like, sport?
2.in, are, you, football, team, the school?
3.like, do, to travel, you?
4.travelled, when, the last, was, you, time?
5.buy, you, where, a ticket, can?
6.London, famous for, what, is?
7.is, where, Column, Nelson’s?
8.can, see, people, what, Kyiv, in?

II.Match questions and answers:
1.What is Westminster? A)Kings and queens are coronated
2.What is the official name of the Houses of Parliament? B)It houses a big clock. Its name is
Big Ben.
3.What is there in the Clock Tower? C)It is near the Houses of Parliament
4.Where is Westminster Abbey? D)It is called Palace of Westminster.
5.What ceremony takes place there? E)Yes, there are some
6.Are there any government offices there? F) It is the part of London where the
Houses of Parliament situated.

III.Translate into English:​
1.Мій друг займається карате. Він тренується в спортивному центрі тричі на тиждень.
2.Багато людей люблять подорожувати. Вони можуть подорожувати на кораблі чи літаку, на поїзді чи на автобусі. Я дуже люблю подорожувати з батьками.


Ответ дал: irino4kaaa


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