Очень срочно!!! 1 час до сдачи,. помогите плизиз
. Read the text and write down 4 questions (common, special, alternative and tail).

Have you ever tried traditional Russian sirniki? I'm sure, if you live in Russia, at least once in your life your grandmother or mother prepared them for you. Nothing can be compared with sirniki, made of fresh village cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Perhaps, the only dish which is as delicious as sirniki is blini or pancakes. In Russia they say that the thinner blini are made the tastier they are. Blini are served rolled with a variety of fillings but the most delicious ones are pancakes with jam, honey and sour cream. A traditional Russian dinner consists of three courses. It is the main meal of the day. First of all snacks are served. All these salt dishes are served in order to excite the appetite.

2. Put the words in correct order and translate the sentences.(правильный порядок слов и образовать предложения)

1. prefer/ to go/ do/ where/ you/ this/ year?

2. in the Galaxy Milky Way/ live/, We/ don`t we?

3. a presidential/ The/ Russian Federation/ republic/ is.

4. Islands/ Great Britain/ on two/ large/ is /situated.

5. some/ should/ abroad/ you/ currency/ buy/ to travel.

6. sales / the customers /department /get /at every.

3. Образовать мн.число существительных

Fish, river, bookshelf, mirror, sofa, sheep, field, kid, cat, tomato, room, mouse, house


Ответ дал: tipsfre



what's your favorite dish?

do you find Russian traditions strange?

how many dishes does a traditional Russian dinner consist of?

have you ever tried pancakes? ( в Вашем случае, blini* )


where do you prefer to go this year

we live in the Galaxy Milky Way, don't we

The Russian Federation is presidental republic.

Great Britain is situated on two large islands

should you currency to buy some travel abroad

the customers get sales at every department


fishs, rivers, bookshelves, mirrors, sofas, sheeps, fields, kids, cats, tomatoes, rooms,mouses, houses

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