Помогите, у автора нет мозга.
III. Complete the sentences using the words in a correct form given below in the table.
1) He spoke very little Spanish so I talked to him through an …
2) … rude to your mother!
3) Jack is always so …: he does a lot of things about the house.
4) He gave me two white … as a present.
5) The farmer … got three sons and two daughters.
6) The … son was a very smart boy.
7) Last summer I and my brother … at our grandparents.
8) There were a lot of deer there. One of … was quite small.
9) The … had a large family.
10) Next summer I … to Wales again.
11) English pronunciation is … than German one.
12) My brother’s … is splendid.

1. interpret
2. not be
3. help
4. mouse
5. have
6. three
7. live
8. they
9. farm
10. go
11. difficult
12. pronounce


Ответ дал: yaws


1) interpreter

2) don’t be

3) helpful

4) mice

5) has

6) third

7) lived

8) them

9) farmer

10) will go

11) more difficult

12) pronunciation


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