I. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Simpie или Future Simple.

1) If I (get up) early tomorrow, I (go) joggin.

2) If he leaves for London by train, he (get) there on Wednesday.

3) If Tom (work) hard, he will pass his examinations.

4) If I have free time, I (go) to the countryside with you.

5) If there (be) stormy, children will stay at home.

6) If it rains,my friends and I ( listent) to music inside.

7) If it ( freeze), people ( wear) warm clothing.

II. Cоставьте условны предложения I типа, используя следующие выражения:

1. come now/go out together.

2. stay in bed/ feel better

3. ride a bike/ get there guickly

4.work hard / get a job

5.go shopping/ spend much money

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Ответ дал: wiwa10


1)  If I get up early tomorrow, I will go jogging.

2) If he leaves for London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.  

3) If Tom works hard, he will pass his examinations.

4) If I have free time, I will go to the countryside with you.

5) If there is stormy, children will stay at home.

6) If it rains,my friends and I will listent to music inside.

7) If it freezes, people will wear warm clothing.

1. If you come now we'll go out together.

2. If Tom stays in bed he'll  feel better tomorrow.

3. If you ride a bike you'll get there guickly.

4.If she works hard next month she'll get a job .

5. If I go shopping I'll spend much money.

В придаточно-условных предложениях первого типа после предлога If чаще всего стоит глагол в Present Simple, а в главном предложении - Future Simple.

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