1_______ time does the party start? *
A) When
B) What
C) Where
2Does he _______ the guitar? *
A) play
B) plays
C) to play
3How _______ rice can you eat? *
A) much
B) many
C) some
4Put _______ your scarf and gloves. It's cold today. *
A) away
B) on
C) off
5My hobby is walking. I like to go ______ in the moutains. *
A) swimming
B) sunbathing
C) hiking
6"Have you got the time, please?"-"Yes, it's half _______ six". *
A) after
B) to
C) past
7"Would you like to go fishing with me?"-"No, thanks! It's _______". *
A) exciting
B) boring
C) enjoyable
8"Whose house is that?"-"It's _______ house". *
A) Katies'
B) Katie
C) Katie and Jack's
9This house belongs to John. It's _______ house. *
A) her
B) our
C) his
10Mr. Williams is a _______. He always delivers our letters. *
A) taxi driver
B) postman
C) baker
11.I'm American. I'm from _______. *
A) the USA
B) the UK
C) Canada
12.There are six _______ on the table. *
A) knives
B) knifes
C) box
13.Danny lives on the _______ floor. *
A) one
B) two
C) ground
14.Can you put _______ rice in my bowl, please? *
A) any
B) a
C) some
15.Sue and I are friends. _______ walk to school together. *
A) We
B) They
C) You
16.Who's Kathy?-She's Laura's _______. *
A) farther
B) brother
C) mother
17.Sam wears _______ in summer because it's hot. *
A) trousers
B) coats
C) shorts
18.Rhinos have got horns _______ their heads. *
A) on
B) up
C) out
19.We eat breakfast _______. *
A) in the morning
B) at the morning
C) in the evening
20."Why don't you come sailing?"-"I'm sorry, but I _______". *
A) can't
B) am not
C) don't
21.I _______ new to the school. *
A) is
B) are
C) am
22.How many _______ are there in the field? *
A) oxes
B) an ox
C) oxen
23.We haven't got _______ milk in the fridge. *
A) any
B) some
C) a
24."_______ you help me carry this box?"-"Of course!" *
A) Will
B) Do
C) Are
25.Has Jim got _______ book? *
A) those
B) these
C) this
26.What are you _______ now? *
A) does
B) do
C) doing
27."Do I look all right in this?"-"Yes, _______ fits you perfectly!" *
A) they
B) its
C) it
28."Will you come sailing with me?"-"No, I _______". *
A) will
B) don't
C) won't
29.Can you see _______? *
A) me
B) your
C) their
30.Have you got a toothache? You must see a _______. *
A) doctor
B) dentist
C) teacher


Ответ дал: hert19















rafaelart2008: это точно????
hert19: невпевнена
Аноним: Извиняться..но по моему не правильно..♥
rafaelart2008: так правильно или нет??????????????????????????????????777777
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