1. The flowers … in the garden every year.
A) are grown b) is grown c) were grown
2. The cookies … yesterday.
A) was brought b) were brought c) are brought
3. Books … in the bookshop.
A) is sold b) are sold c) sell
4. Tim usually … porridge for breakfast.
A) is eaten b) eats c) was eaten
5. The table … of wood.
A) is made b) made c) were made
6. I like both apples … bananas.
A) nor b) or c) and
7. She plays neither football … hockey.
A) nor b) or c) and
8. French is spoken in … .
a) England b) Russia c) France
9. There is not much … water to drink in Africa.
A) fresh b) deep c) high
10. My brother is a … boy.
) high b) tall c) among


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. The flowers are grown in the garden every year. (A)

2. The cookies were brought yesterday. (B)

3. Books are sold in the bookshop. (B)

4. Tim usually eats porridge for breakfast. (B)

5. The table is made of wood. (A)

6. I like both apples and bananas. (C)

7. She plays neither football nor hockey. (A)

8. French is spoken in France . (C)

9. There is not much fresh water to drink in Africa. (A)

10. My brother is a tall boy. (B)

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