1)Fill in: cut, break, sore, feel, ache

Exhausted, a finger, tooth, a leg, eyes

2)Rewrite the sentences using unless. Например: He will fail his exams if he doesn’t study hard. – He will fail his exams unless he studies hard.

-You will feel better if you rest.

-She won’t get green if she doesn’t mix blue and yellow.

-Nancy won’t go to the party if she doesn’t do her homework.

-They will go to Paris if they will buy tickets tomorrow.

-The children won’t go to the zoo if they don’t behave themselves.


Ответ дал: Аноним

(1) feel exhausted, a finger cut, toothache, a leg break, sore eyes


You won't feel better unless you rest.

She won't get green unless she mixes blue and yellow.

Nancy won't go to the party unless she does her homework.

They won't go to Paris unless they buy tickets tomorrow.

The children won't go to the zoo unless they behave themselves.

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