Read the text and mark T, F. Напишите цифру и букву F, T.
Harry Bolton didn’t really like sport at all until he discovered something both new
and unusual. “I was listening to the radio one day when I heard something that I thought
must have been a joke. The DJ was talking about underwater hockey! When I realized it
actually was a sport, I decided to find out more about it. To my surprise, I found a local
team and before I knew it, I was part of it!”
Unlike water polo, where the action takes place above the water, underwater
hockey is played at the bottom of the pool. Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels
during the game. “The rules are simple, you just have to slide the puck into the opposing
team’s goal,” says Harry.
A British diving club invented underwater hockey in 1954. Harry told us,
“Unfortunately it’s not much of a spectator sport, as all people watching from outside the
pool can see are lots of splashing and flippers!”

True or False?
1. Harry Bolton played ice hoсkey until he discovered something both new and
2. Underwater hockey is like water polo.
3. Underwater hockey was invented in Canada.
4. According to Harry the rules are not difficult.
5. You need some equipment such as masks, flippers and snorkels during the game.

HACKER308: как понять скажите точнее
HACKER308: как понять Read the text and mark T, F. Напишите цифру и букву F, T.


Ответ дал: malinkavecherinkaa


1. False

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. True

Ответ дал: kidmain


1. F (Harry Bolton didn't really like sport. Он не любил спорт, т.е. не играл в хоккей)

2. F (Unlike water polo)

3. F (British diving club invented underwater hockey)

4. T (The rules are simple)

5. T (Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels  during the game.)

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