Задание 1. Вставьте глагол to be в Past Simple. ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ТЕКСТ

1. Clara ... very upset last Sunday. 2. The weather ... awful. 3. It ... windy and rainy. 4. Clara's husband ... not at home. 5. He ... at work because he ... busy doing a project. 6. Her kids ... not at school. 7. They ... not in the garden, they ... in the sitting room. 8. The TV ... broken. 9. ... the children also upset? No, they ... . 10. They ... delighted, because of their new toys.11. The neighbours ... not happy because her kids ... too noisy. 12. ... there some decision? Yes, there ... . 13. The house ... not clean. 14. She could clean it but there ... not electricity in the house. 15. There ... not water, neither. 16.There ... dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. 17. ... they poor? No, they... .
18. ... it a problem? Yes, it ... .


Ответ дал: odinecolga

Ответ: 1 was;

2 was;

3 was;

4 was;

5 was, was;

6 were;

7 were, were;

8 was;

9 were weren't;

10 were;

11 were, were;

12was, was;

13 was;

14 was;

15 was;

16 were;

17 were, weren't;

18 was, was.


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